Fine Arts - Music


full year

1 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Auditiononly for 10th, 11th, and 12th graders.

A Cappella Choir is a mixed choralgroup selected by audition. Formal choral experience is required. The groupperforms a wide variety of choral literature (primarily unaccompanied), includingshow tunes, folk tunes, spirituals and standards, sacred and secular music. Thegroup performs in November, December, March, and May. Also, A Cappella Choirperforms at Graduation concerts.

 *Participation in performance ismandatory.



full year

1 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: No formaltraining necessary.

Concert Choir is a choral experiencefor mixed singers in grades 9 through 12. Repertoire is based on folk andpopular show tunes and standard literature. The group performs in November,December, March, and May.

 *Participation in performance ismandatory.



full year

1 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Auditiononly for 11th and 12th graders with at least one year of A Cappella Choirexperience.

Mixed Ensemble is a small mixedchoral group selected by audition. Formal choral experience is required. Thegroup performs a wide variety of choral literature including popular music,show tunes, madrigals, folk tunes, sacred and secular music. The group performsin November, December, March, and May. Furthermore, Mixed Ensemble performs atGraduation concerts and at community events.

 *Participation in performance ismandatory.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Music Theory 1.

Students study various musicalstyles, including American and World Music, musical theater, film music, pop,and jazz. The cultural and social aspects of music will be examined as well asthe influence of advancing technology of the music industry. Student activitiesinclude singing and presenting.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: 11th and12th graders only. Teacher Recommendation.

This course is designed for theserious student interested in an in-depth study of musical concepts. The coursefocuses on scale and chord structure, interval relationships, and ear training.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Music Theory 1. Teacher Recommendation.

This course is a continuation ofMusic Theory 1. Emphasis is placed on melodic and rhythmic dictation inaddition to a more detailed exploration of concepts examined in Music Theory 1.Students may have the opportunity to experience music composition.



full year

1 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Auditiononly.

The orchestra performs overtures,suites, symphonies and other major musical works by composers from the 17ththrough the 20th centuries. Fundamentals and advanced techniques are stressedthrough detailed rehearsals. In addition to formal winter and spring concerts,the orchestra participates in community and charity events.

 *Participation in performance ismandatory.



full year

1 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Auditiononly.

This band functions as Marching Bandfor the first twelve weeks of the school year. The students participate in allfootball games, several competitions, parades, and other community and schoolevents. Emphasis is placed on excellence in music performance and field drillexecution. Students who participate in Marching Band are eligible to performwith various small ensembles offered throughout the school year.

 Symphonic Band rehearsals begin inearly November in preparation for the Holiday Concert. Students continue thestudy of high quality band literature throughout the school year in preparationfor the Winter Concert, the Senior Recognition Concert, and Graduation.

*Participation in performance ismandatory.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

No prerequisite or musicalexperience needed.

In this course the students learnabout the varied and vibrant music called JAZZ. The class is a comprehensiveguide to the history, music, musicians, and instruments that make up the uniquemusical genre. Included are the international origins of jazz, the historicalperspective and factors that influenced its development and a variety oflistening material to enhance understanding.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

Prerequisite Requirement: Auditiononly - must be a member of the Marching Band.

This class is for student musiciansinterested in learning and performing Jazz. The musical selections includeJazz, Swing, Dixieland and various other styles of music relating to Jazzstudy. Class participation is by audition only and students must be a member ofthe Marching Band.



one semester

1/2 credit

5 periods/week

No prerequisite requirement.

World Drumming is for students interested inlearning drumming techniques from Africa, Latin, and South America. The courseoffers information on musical and cultural traditions and connects them to art,history, social studies, and geography. Students will participate in rhythmicdrumming in a cooperative setting that requires teamwork, listening, andrespect for others. Class is limited to 10 students, grades 10, 11, and 12only. Singing is an integral part of this drumming class.