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English - Required Courses
McKeesport Area High School fostersan interest in and a habit of reading. We want to encourage students to becomelifelong readers and to improve their reading through reading. For these reasons,we require students to read one book over the summer and complete anaccompanying assignment that is due on the first day of the upcoming schoolyear. Furthermore, a comprehensive test on the summer reading selection isadministered on the first day of the upcoming school year, and students areadvised to be prepared.
The following courses require asummer reading assignment:
English 9, Pre-AP English 9, English10, Pre-AP English 10, English 11, AP Language and Composition, English 12, andAP Literature and Composition.
Note: Students may obtain the summer reading selections andassignments from their current English teachers. Copies will be made availableduring the summer at the High School Admission Desk. All students must completea summer reading assignment.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
From Homer's The Odyssey toShakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, this course introduces the student to thesignificant works associated with all aspects of literature. In addition, communicationskills are some of the most important skills needed to function in today'ssociety. English 9 emphasizes four basic areas: reading, listening, writing,and speaking. The study of grammar and usage is integrated into all areas ofcommunication. This course emphasizes multi-paragraph writing, interpretationof literature, and experiences in speaking and listening. Moreover, English 9provides creative and critical thinking experiences. Summer reading is arequirement for this course. These materials will be distributed in May atFounders' Hall and will be available at the high school campus.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of 8th Grade Reading and Language Arts, 8th Grade TeacherRecommendation
NOTE: All students must haveobtained a 90% or higher yearly average in 8th Grade Reading and Language Arts.(Freshmen only)
From Homer's The Odyssey toShakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, this course introduces the student to thesignificant works associated with all aspects of literature. The concept ofPre-AP is based on two important premises. The first is the expectation thatall students can perform at rigorous academic levels. This belief is reflectedin curriculum and instruction so that the students are consistently challengedto expand their knowledge and skills. The second important premise of Pre-AP isthe preparation of every student for higher intellectual engagement by startingthe development of skills and acquisition of knowledge as early as possible. Bytaking Pre-AP, students are given a powerful opportunity to acquire theknowledge, concepts, and skills needed to engage in higher level learning.Finally, this course begins to prepare students for the College Board AP Examby implementing extensive analytical, grammar, and writing practices. Summerreading is a requirement for this course. These materials are distributed inMay at Founders' Hall and are available at the high school campus. This is anadvanced level 105 course.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 9 or Honors English 9
From the works of Amy Tan to Alford,Lord Tennyson, this course introduces the student to the significant worksassociated with all aspects of literature. English 10 is designed to give thestudent a broad understanding of the various literary genres and to improvebasic language arts skills. Students will read, discuss, and investigateselected literary works, which will promote thinking, discussion, and writing.The participants improve grammar, spelling, vocabulary, dictionary, andliterary skills. Furthermore, the students write a multi-paragraph researchpaper, along with several short thematic papers that are expository,descriptive, narrative or persuasive in nature. Summer reading is a requirementfor this course. See the teacher in the spring for a list.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 9 or Pre-AP English 9, Teacher Recommendation
Note: All students must haveobtained a 90% or higher yearly average in English 9 or Pre-AP English 9.(Sophomores Only)
From the works of Eliezer"Elie" Wiesel to Edgar Allan Poe, Pre-AP English 10 is designed togive the student a broad understanding of the various literary genres. Theconcept of Pre-AP is based on two important premises. The first is theexpectation that all students can perform at rigorous academic levels. Thisbelief is reflected in curriculum and instruction so that the students areconsistently challenged to expand their knowledge and skills. The secondimportant premise of Pre-AP is the preparation of every student for higherintellectual engagement by starting the development of skills and acquisitionof knowledge as early as possible. By taking Pre-AP, students are given apowerful opportunity to acquire the knowledge, concepts, and skills needed toengage in higher level learning. Finally, this course continues to preparestudents for the College Board AP Exam by implementing extensive analytical,grammar, and writing practices. Summer reading is a requirement for thiscourse. See the teacher in the spring for a list. This is an advanced level 105course.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 10 or Pre-AP English 10
From the works of Benjamin Franklinto Langston Hughes, English 11 is a survey course of study at the high schoollevel, tracing the heritage of American writing from the Puritan influencesthrough the Age of Modern Realism. The course includes examples of NativeAmerican writings and genre selections representative of major American writersfrom each age of philosophy. Summer reading is a requirement for this course.See the teacher in the spring for a list.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: English 10or Pre-AP English 10, Teacher Recommendation
Note: All students must haveobtained a 90% or higher yearly average in English 10 or Pre-AP English 10.(Juniors Only)
This challenging course concentrateson improving and refining students' writing skills through the vehicle of anin-depth study of classic American literature. Selections read will be representativeof various movements and themes, which include the works from the Puritan Erato the Modern Era. Emphasis is placed on the critical analysis of theoutstanding works of American literature and American heritage. Written themes,both creative and analytical, are required. Students will also prepare for theCollege Board AP exam with extensive grammar and writing practices. Summerreading is a requirement for this course. See the teacher in the spring for thelist. This is an advanced level 110 course.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 11 or AP Language and Composition
From Beowulf to Pygmalion, thiscourse introduces the student to the significant works associated with Great Britain.It follows the British tradition through the ages, language changes, and theevents that brought about those changes. This survey course emphasizes theworks of Chaucer and Shakespeare. A selected English novel will be readfollowed by a critical evaluation of the work. This course highlights theskills of reading, thinking, writing, listening, researching and speaking asthe student prepares for college. Summer reading is a requirement for thiscourse. See the teacher in the spring for a list.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 11 or AP Language and Composition, Teacher Recommendation
Note: All students must have had a90% yearly average in their previous English Class. (Seniors Only)
This advanced placement courseacquaints students with literary classics from Homer's The Odyssey to Dante'sThe Inferno. It traces the growth and changes within a particular genre againstan historical background. Emphasis is placed on analysis and interpretation ofthe literary genre assigned. Verbal and written responses are monitored forcritical thinking skills. Summer reading is a requirement for this course. Seethe teacher in the spring for a list. This is an advanced level 110 course.
English - Required Electives
full year
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement:Standardized Test and Teacher Recommendation
This class is a supplemental Englishcourse required for students that are reading below grade level. Placement andbook level for this course will be determined through standardized testingand/or teacher recommendation.
English - Electives
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Pre-AP English 10 or English 10 and Teacher Recommendation
This course is specifically intendedto teach introductory-college writing. Students will engage in discussions withclassmates and the instructor regarding the various aspects of writing, e.g.,the craft, structure, and the elements of style (syntax, figurative language,tone, symbolism, and mechanics) and the social/historical values and the themesimplicit in the text read. Furthermore, there will be extensive focus on thedevelopment of the research paper.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Speech and Teacher Recommendation
This course introduces students tobasic skills necessary to function effectively in public communicationsituations, including informative and persuasive speaking. In addition, thestudents develop abilities to analyze and evaluate oral discourse as a means ofbecoming informed consumers of communication. This class combines theory andpractice to emphasize the importance of both listening and speaking. Subjectareas covered include communication in personal, small group, and publicspeaking.
full year
1 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Advanced Speech 1 and Teacher Recommendation
This course gives students who havepreviously taken Speech 1 more insight into the world of Communication Theoryand Practice. Speech 2 focuses on oral communication with a large concentrationon interpersonal communication. It is designed to increase understanding andaid with the implementation of effective interpersonal communication behaviorsand skills.
Throughout the year the studentsexamine essential verbal and nonverbal elements effecting communication betweenindividuals in family, peer groups, work contexts, and other encounters.Furthermore, this course requires the students to partake in activitiesdesigned to help expand interpersonal communication skills.
Interpersonal communicationintroduces students to the complex interaction of social and psychologicalforces that occur in human communication. In addition, it uses a dual approachconsisting of both theory and application that allows students opportunities tocritically evaluate the intricacies of interpersonal relationships and thecommunication issues surrounding human relationships in various contexts.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 9 or Pre-AP English 9
Creative Writing emphasizes writingas a process which encourages growth in every student's creative potential. Thefocus is on character sketches, letters to the editor, screenplays, monologues,soliloquies, creative essays, poetry, and short stories. Lectures are limitedand students do most of their writing in class. Students share their writingswith peers through conferencing, editing, and publishing. A variety of literarygenres are experienced.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 10/Pre-AP English 10
This course is reading intensive andfocuses on traditional classics as well as modern pieces that are consideredpotential classics. The students study selections from Arthur Conan Doyle tocontemporary pre-classics such as Stephen King. Furthermore, the participantsengage in an in-depth study of gothic poetry all the while demonstrating theskills needed to be successful on the PSSA. Finally, the course emphasizesreading, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, literary devices, andwriting.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of Creative Writing.
This course is offered to juniorsand seniors who have successfully completed Creative Writing. The coursefocuses on different fiction genres and the elements of fiction writing. Duringthe semester, students are expected to choose a genre, study its elements, reada book in the genre, and write a short story in the genre's elements.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite: Successful completionof Creative Writing
This lecture and studio classestablishes the theory and practice of theater design and the graphics andstandards of entertainment technology. Focus is placed on the processes andpractices used in designing and presenting the performing arts. Furthermore,like a literature course, this course addresses the role of theater as a majorfine art and a communicator of ideas, human understanding, and cultural values.Contributions of the playwright, actor/actress, director, designer, andtechnician to theatrical production are covered. Furthermore, classicalliterature is explored, analyzed, and performed.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 9/Pre-AP English 9
This course introduces a student toJournalism and develops the student's ability to be an effective writer,reader, and viewer. The students study ethics and press law; the structure andelements of news; news, feature, sports, editorial, and headline writing;editing and copy reading procedures; the technical production of electronic graphicsof page design and layout. This course emphasizes communication, criticalthinking, ethics, human relations, personal growth, and technology. The focusis on the four communication skills of writing, reading, speaking, andlistening.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
This course uses both contemporaryand classic movies to help students develop skills in analysis and evaluation.Furthermore, Modern Media challenges students to sharpen their powers ofobservation, establish habits of perception and discover complex aspects offilm art that enhances their enjoyment of watching films.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
This course explores the literatureof such groups as African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, andNative Americans with an emphasis on reading improvement. Multi-culturalliterature and the themes that exist beyond the boundaries of ethnicity andculture will be examined. Students will be required to read, discuss, andanalyze literature as well as complete several types of writing and projectsrelating to the course readings.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Reading Recovery is a mandatorycourse designed for students that did not reach the level of proficiency on thePSSA exam. The course's required textbook has been developed in consultationwith Pennsylvania educators and is fully aligned to the PA Assessment Anchors -both in content areas and question style. In addition, this course focuses onstep-by-step lessons that cover key reading skills. The clear, simply writtentext is great for developing skills and strategies for reluctant readers. Atthe completion of the course, students must score proficient on an authentictest that is modeled after the PSSA.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Juniorsonly
This course is designed tostrengthen reading skills. Course content includes vocabulary developmentskills, finding and understanding main ideas and supporting details, studymethods and skills, outlining and webbing, summary writing, library research,literary analysis, and PSSA related test taking skills. Reading materialsinclude short and long articles, textbook chapters, possible novels, andlibrary reference material.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: Successfulcompletion of English 9 or Pre-AP English 9
In this course, students investigatehow events in history influence past and contemporary authors whose ideas andattitudes are revealed through the key elements of the short story (a piece ofnarrative prose fiction). The compactness of the short story as a literarygenre provides a unique opportunity for students to emphasize the structure andliterary elements of fiction while concentrating on the PSSA Reading Anchors.Furthermore, the course exposes students to a broad variety of short stories,familiarizes them with literary terminology necessary for discussing the shortstory, and it encourages an appreciation of the short story as a genre.Finally, students discuss the stories and relate the stories to their personalexperiences.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement: TeacherRecommendation
More and more emphasis in oursociety is being placed on the spoken word. In the Speech course emphasis isgiven to the research, writing, and delivery of the message through the use ofvoice and action. It is constructed to familiarize the student with the basicskills in public speaking and provides interesting, challenging, and worthwhilespeech situations. The assignments enhance annunciation, improve voice andarticulation, increase poise and confidence, develop poise and confidence,develop research skills, stress the importance of clarity and effectiveness inwriting, and encourage an appreciation and understanding of another person'sideas.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
Prerequisite Requirement:Introduction to Theater Arts
This semester course gives studentswho have previously taken Intro to Theater a challenging course of study thatenables them to pursue Theater Arts in the future. It applies previousknowledge to the study and application of a seminar in theater with emphasis inperformance techniques, design techniques, general theater procedures andacademic writing skills. Furthermore, it exposes students to theater principlesand practices, to useful problem solving and critical thinking, and toclassical and modern literature and drama. Finally, it reinforces anappreciation for the craft.
one semester
1/2 credit
5 periods/week
This course is a college level introduction toliterature in which the participants learn to contemplate and respond toliterature in a meaningful manner. Students are able to differentiate betweenliterary genres and build general and specific critical and interpretive skillsthat make them capable and discerning readers of imaginative literature. Theconstruction of this course is two-fold: materials are introduced according togenre and texts are scrutinized to provide a more in-depth study rather than asampling. Then, students use higher level critical and analytical skills toevaluate the books, compose academic critiques, write research papers using MLAstyle, and create essays pertaining to the novels. The students' responses tothe works of literature are personal, aesthetic, and intellectual in order toincrease their understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of challenging novelsand obtain success on the PSSA Exam.